Professor, Head of Computer networks department at Yaroslavl State University.
1979: graduated from YarSU with honors.
1990: Candidate Phys.-Math. Science (PhD). Thesis: Dynamical
properties of solutions of a class of ecological equations.
2009: Doctor Phys.-Math. Science (habilitation). Thesis: Bifurcational
processes and chaotic oscillations in chains of coupled oscillators.
Published more than 120 scientific works including 63 papers and 6
textbooks in the area of dynamical systems theory, bifurcation theory,
information technology.
Positions and activities:
Basic and special lecture courses on differential equations and
numerical methods of dynamical system analysis.
Scientific advisor of post-graduate students. Four of my post-graduate
students obtained their PhD degrees.
Scientific secretatry of the dissertation council D212.002.05 at YarSU.
Vice Editor in chief of Modeling and Analysis of Information Systems journal.
Head of Modeling and Analysis of Neural Systems seminar, co-head of
Nonlinear Dynamics seminar.
Recent papers:
1. S. D. Glyzin, A. Yu. Kolesov and N. Kh. Rozov.
Blue sky catastrophe
in relaxation systems with one fast and two slow variables //
Differential Equations Volume 44, Number 2 (2008), 161-175.
2. S. D. Glyzin, A. Yu. Kolesov and N. Kh. Rozov.
Extremal dynamics of
the generalized Hutchinson equation // Computational Mathematics and
Mathematical Physics Volume 49, Number 1 (2009), 71-83
3. S. D. Glyzin, A. Yu. Kolesov and N. Kh. Rozov.
The question of the
realizability of the Landau scenario for the development of turbulence
// Theoretical and Mathematical Physics Volume 158, Number 2 (2009),
4. S. D. Glyzin, A. Yu. Kolesov and N. Kh. Rozov.
models of diffusion chaos // Computational Mathematics and
Mathematical Physics. Volume 50, Number 5 (2010), 816-830.
5. S. D. Glyzin, A. Yu. Kolesov, and N. Kh. Rozov.
Self-Oscillations in Neuron Systems: I // Differential Equations
Volume 47, Number 7 (2011), 927-941.
6. S. D. Glyzin, A. Yu. Kolesov and N. Kh. Rozov.
oscillations and diffusion chaos in the Belousov reaction //
Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics. Volume 51, Number
8 (2011), 1307-1324.
7. S. D. Glyzin, A. Yu. Kolesov, and N. Kh. Rozov
Self-Oscillations in Neuron Systems: II // Differential Equations
Volume 47, Number 12 (2011), 1697-1713.
8. S. D. Glyzin, A. Yu. Kolesov, and N. Kh. Rozov.
Self-Oscillations in Neuron Systems: III // Differential Equations
Volume 48, Number 2 (2012), 159-175.
9. S. D. Glyzin, A. Yu. Kolesov and N. Kh. Rozov
Buffer phenomenon in
neurodynamics // Doklady Mathematics Volume 85, Number 2 (2012),
10. S. D. Glyzin, A. Yu. Kolesov and N. Kh. Rozov.
Discrete autowaves
in neural systems // Computational Mathematics and Mathematical
Physics. Volume 52, Number 5 (2012), 702-719.