Graduated from the Mech&Math Dept. of the Moscow State University, diploma with excellence, 2000.
Ph.D. in geometry and topology from the Moscow State University, 2002, advisor: academician A. T. Fomenko.
Habilitation (Dr.Sci.) since 2009 in geometry and topology (defended on October, 3, 2008, Moscow State Unversity).
Present affiliation (since 2010): Full Professor of Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
Academic Editor of “Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications” since 2004.
Deputy Editor-in-Chief of “Proceedings of P. K. Rashevsky Seminar on Vector and Tensor Analysis”.
Organizer of three conferences in the Mathetisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (2008, 2012, 2014).
Since 2009, one of co-chairmen of the P. K. Rashevsky seminar “On Vector and Tensor Analysis with Its
Applications to Geometry, Physics, and Mechanics” (one of the odlest seminars of the MSU).
Basic scientific interests:
knot theory and low-dimensional topology, graph theory, network theory, combinatorial geometry, combinatorial group theory.