Doctor of sciences, professor at Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Honorary Diplomas of The Council of Kazan University “For outstanding achievements in Geometry” by the presentation of the Jury of International Lobachevski Concurs (1997 and 2002), Honorary Member of the Geometrical Society Bojan Petkanchin of Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians (2009).
The author of more 100 articles in the referred Russian and Foreign journals.
Monograph: Isometric Immersions and Embeddings of Locally Euclidean Metrics. Cambridge Scientific Publishers, in Serie “Reviews in Mathematics and Mathematical Physics”, vol. 13, Part 1, 2009, 276 p.
1) Volumes of Polyhedra. Moscow Center of Contin. Math. Education, 2-nd ed.., 2009, 32 p.
2) A brief essay of the biography and scientific work by Nikolai Vladimirovich Efimov (1910-1982). Mocsow: Max-Press, 2010, 25 p.
A more detailed description of the biography and scientific achievements can be found in the
jubilee article in the journal Russian Mathematical Surveys (Uspekhi matematicheskikh nauk)) Volume 63 (2008) Number 6.
The field of scientific activity: Differential, Discrete and Computational Geometry, boundary value problems in the theory of complex variable, history of Mathematics.